Prevention is Intervention

Providing programs and interventions that take place prior to the onset of a substance use disorder in order to prevent or reduce the risk of developing a behavioral health problem

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What Is Prevention And How It Helps?

Providing programs and interventions that take place prior to the onset of a substance use disorder in order to prevent or reduce the risk of developing a behavioral health problem, such as underage alcohol use, prescription drug misuse and abuse, and illicit drug use.

Universal Prevention
Selective Prevention Strategies
Indicated Prevention Strategies



  • Community life
  • Supportive relationships outside the home (coaches, teachers, etc.)
  • Pro-Social peer group (teams, clubs, etc.)
  • Child’s involvement in religious youth activities
  • Child’s involvement in pro-social activities
  • Child is close to an adult outside the family
  • A reasonably safe, stable environment


  • Strong and affectionate relationships with both parents
  • Strong and affectionate relationships with family members
  • Strong and affectionate relationships with other significant adults
  • Recognition and praise
  • Parental interest
  • Involvement in education
  • Stability and security in family life
  • Parental supervision
  • Child’s attachment to parent
  • Parent’s attachment to child
  • Parent’s involvement in child’s activities


  • Active involvement in school
  • Access to high quality early education
  • Commitment to school
  • Attachment to teachers
  • Aspirations to go to college
  • Parent’s expectation for child to go to college
  • Parent’s values about school

Peer Group and Individual

  • Resilient temperament
  • Autonomy
  • Comprising a sense of identity
  • Achievement
  • Self-awareness
  • Independence
  • Self-Motivation
  • Peers have conventional values
  • Parent’s positive evaluation of peers
  • Child’s self esteem
  • Child is close to an adult outside the family
  • Good impulse control
  • Strong sense of self-worth
  • Sense of personal control


Risk factors are characteristics (biological, psychological, family, community, and cultural) that precede and are associated with a higher likelihood of negative outcomes. Protective factors are characteristics associated with a lower likelihood of negative outcomes or that reduce a risk factor’s impact


Prevention Services

These interventions include curricula, programs, policies and procedures that decrease risk and enhance protective factors associated with substance use.

Botvin Life Skills

  • LifeSkills Training is comprehensive and designed to promote positive youth development. The program curriculum is available for youth in grades 3 – 12 and has a parent component as well.  The program empowers youth, to resist drugs, alcohol, and tobacco/vape use. In addition, it supports the reduction of violence and other high-risk behaviors.


  • Evidence-based intervention designed to promote healthy lifestyles and prevent substance use among youth. The program encourage participants to adopt positive behaviors such as , healthy eating, physical activity, adequate sleep, and stress management while discouraging the use of alcohol, tobacco/vape, marijuana, other drugs and risk behaviors

Girls Circle model

  • A structured support group for girls and youth who identify with female development from 9-18 years.  It integrates relational theory, resiliency practices, and skills training in a specific format designed to increase positive connection, personal, self-awareness along with collective strengths, and competence.

Boys Council  

  • A strengths-based group approach to promote boys’ and young men’s safe and healthy passage through pre-teen and adolescent years. In this structured environment, participants gain the vital opportunity to address masculine definitions and behaviors and build capacities to find their innate value and create good lives individually and collectively!  

Teen Intervene

  • Teen Intervene is an Evidence-Based Program (EBP) for teenagers (12 - 19 years old) experiencing mild to moderate problems associated with alcohol or other drug use, vaping and/or gambling. Teen Intervene integrates Stages of Change Model, Motivational Interviewing, and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to assist teens reduce and ultimately eliminate their chemical use.

Interactive Experiences

  • Dangers in Disguise (Adult Experience 18+)
    • A mock teen bedroom is setup; adults peruse the bedroom looking for hidden signs of substance use and paraphernalia.
    • At the completion of the training, participants will have obtained the skills needed to identify potential regular everyday items, places, or things utilized as storage spaces to hide paraphernalia and drugs/substances.
  • Vape Escape (Youth & Adult Participants)
    • An interactive experience designed to teach about the dangers of vaping while working as a team to decipher a series of clues to escape the room before the toxic chemicals reach dangerous levels!  
    • This experience pairs well with our presentations as a reinforcement for the information learned.
  • Alcohol and Marijuana Simulation Goggles
    • An interactive experience for youth & adult participants.  
    • Participants will experience delayed reaction time, lack of coordination caused while being impaired.  
    • This experience pairs well with our presentations as a reinforcement for the information learned.

School and Community Presentations

  • Topics include  vaping, edibles, marijuana, overdose prevention training (Naloxone), Safe Rx Disposal (Deterra Bags),
  • Custom presentations are created to meet request and/or identified area of need.

RCADD Community Presentations

Individual and group presentations are available both in person and virtually. These educational presentations are engaging, informative, and age appropriate.

Presentations for Students/Youth:
Dangers of Vaping

Students know a lot about vaping however, can they see how everything is connected? Decoding what’s behind the vapor will allow our youth to make an informed decision as we discuss the contents used to make e-juice, the chemicals produced, the effects on the body and marketing tactics.

Opioids & Naloxone

This presentation is available to middle schools students, high schools students, College students, teachers, administrations and the community. This presentation includes a brief history on the opioid crisis, information on opioids including rainbow fentanyl and fake pills, video clips and discussion, and how to administer Naloxone.

Presentations for Parents/Adults:
Vaping 101- What Parents and Concerned Adults Need to Know

This engaging presentation is designed for parents/adults to educate themselves on what vaping is, how it impacts the body, and the latest drug trends to look out for.

Marijuana – What You Need to Know

With the recent changes to the marijuana laws, many teens have questions. Now that it’s legal does that mean it’s safe? Join us for conversation and education on this polarizing topic. Ask questions and let’s learn together!

Presentations for Everyone:
RCADD In-Service Presentation

Community members will gain an in depth understanding of the Rockland Council’s prevention and recover services. Learn about our variety of services all of which are available for free!


Parents are their children’s first Teachers

Q. What should I do if I think my child is using drugs?
Q. What are some warning signs of drug use?
Q. How do I talk to my child about drugs and the impact on the body?


Q: What can I do if a friend or loved one is doing drugs?
Q: How do drugs effect our development or our body?
Q: How do drugs damage the brain/body?
Q: What is addiction / substance use disorder?